More shots of Mammoth Rock...this time from Lake George...
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Lake Mamie
Lake Mamie is between Lake Mary and Horseshoe Lake...
Much smaller than Lake Mary, it's a lovely little spot...just above the Twin Lakes
Monday, September 27, 2010
Fishing is the highlight at Lake George...
Lake George seems to be the prime spot for fishing...
And if you're fishing for a retired gentleman...there seems to be plenty here!!!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Mammoth Rock...
Mammoth Rock, originally named Monumental Rock is captured here on the eastern slope of what was originally known as Mineral Red Mountain
Kind of looks like two hands in prayer pose...lends a bit of credence to this being God's Country!!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Looking out over the valley...
Believe it or not, the Hubman had never been to Mammoth prior to his interview for chief...
He always thought that the road to Mammoth from 395 was long and windey, much like the road to
Big Bear...
Little did he know how easy the drive is here...
Looking out over the valley...and if you look closely, you just might see Highway 395!!!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
There's a reason Mammoth is called Mammoth Lakes...
The Twin Lakes at twilight...
I'll be on the other side of the Sierras this weekend...visiting with old friends and hanging out in another one of God's special places....Sequoia National Park...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Late afternoon at Rock Creek Lake...
We continued on our Sunday drive after lunch at Tom's Place and found
Rock Creek Lake...
Still taking advantage of top-down weather...
The weather's starting to turn, so not much longer...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Stoppin' for lunch...
at Tom's Place...
no pretense here...
just good food, and a charmingly funky atmosphere.
Be sure to stop by for their prime rib dinner special,
Thursday and Saturday nights!!!
Maybe we'll see you there!!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Cruzn' the Eastern Sierras...
So the Hubman and I took off yesterday afternoon for a drive...checking out our new surroundings...
First stop...McGee Creek...
Wow!!! Perfect spot to bring the granddaughter's when they come up for their fall break!!!
The Hubman brought up his memories of fishing in a similar trout pond in Big Bear with his kids when they were young...definitely one of the first spots we'll bring the girls!!!

Locals get a break...only $8.95 per pound for every fish we catch!!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
More of our walk along Lake Mary...
Our first stop at Lake Mary was the charming marina...
At the marina, you can rent boats of all types and sizes...
With a group or not...
Peaceful...and maybe some fresh fish for dinner...
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Laurie's GOSP may have squirrel crossings...but in Mammoth....
Now, you've gotta love a Lodge that sports this sign at their dock...

And wouldn't you know...there were plenty of fishermen close by to confirm the sign!!!

And why not, with a view like this???

Miss Daisy and I walked a fair bit alongside Lake Mary today...we both got back home and took naps!!!
Check out Laurie Allee's Glimpses of South Pasadena blog....
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thank You First Responders...
The Mammoth Lakes Rotary club hosted their Heroes luncheon today in honor of the First Responders of Mono County.
The luncheon was attended by representatives of Firefighters from all over Mono County, Mammoth Lakes Police, Mono County Sheriff's Department, CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), Mono County Paramedics, the Mono County Sheriff's Search and Rescue Team, as well as Veterans, parents of Veterans, active service members, community members, and of course, Rotarians.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Taking a stroll by the museum...
About 15 yards from the Mammoth Museum is Mammoth Creek...
Daisy and I took a little stroll down by the Creek...
Daisy decided to cool off in the stream...
Isn't she beautiful???
Not bad for an old gal!!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Starting at the Beginning...
Now that we have settled in to our new life here in Mammoth, I started to think about what I wanted to explore in the area and share with all of you...
What better place to start, than at the beginning...
What better place to start, than at the beginning...
And what better place to find the beginning, than a museum...
My dear blogger friend Tash (of Palos Verdes Daily Photo) told me about the Mammoth Museum...a little cabin, built in the late 1920's that has been turned into a very charming museum of the area...
Just off of Old Mammoth Rd, and close to the Sierra Meadows Ranch, this little cabin is situated with a phenomenal view and just a ways from a charming creek.
The museum has numerous photos of the area from the late 1800's on, with descriptions and explanations. The cabin was built by Emmet Hayden and his wife Margaret. Originally, they operated it as a bed and breakfast establishment with hunting and fishing guide service.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
This time...I had my camera!!!
After a fun afternoon for both Daisy and myself...we're on our way down from Horseshoe and Mamie Lakes, and right there on the road, is a great, big, beautiful bear!!!
And right next to me on the seat of my little red snow mobile, was my camera...
Since the bear was initially ambling up the road, on the edge of the road, the traffic opposite me was completely stopped. Now, in all fairness to the impatient guy behind me, I could have kept going.
And miss this opportunity???
The bear appeared to be a bit miffed that he (or she) had to get off the road because of traffic...
But not as miffed as the guy behind me who whizzed on by as soon as we got beyond the bear!!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Damn...why didn't I take my camera???
Dan and I went driving around looking at neighborhoods and houses that are for sale (just lookin'!).
Up above our home, there's a beautiful area, higher up, with some great houses.
While cruising through the neighborhood, Dan spotted a bear cub!!! And yep, mom wasn't far behind...
They were in a yard...didn't look like anyone was home...
We stopped and watched until they wandered off...
Did I have my camera...NO!!!
Ah!!! But I had my new Motorola Droid X smart phone with a camera just about as complex as my a matter of damn complex I couldn't figure out how to snap the damn photo!!!
Ah well...Sadie and the bear skin will just have to suffice...
Sunday, September 12, 2010
You Don't Have to Eat Like Paul Bunyan When You Live in the Mountains... it's our first dinner party in our new home in the mountains...
Now, I had planned on taking photos as we sat down...
But, a little wine, hors d'oeuvres, and putting the meal on the table...
Well, let's just say...time for dinner!!!
Veggies with hummus...Caprese salad
Chicken breasts stuffed with Fontina cheese, artichoke hearts, Kalamata olives, and sundried tomatoes...
Roasted Mediterranean Veggies...
Greek salad...
lot's and lot's of wine (and beer)
Jameson's to top it all off... don't have to eat like Paul Bunyan in the mountains!!!
(all recipes courtesy of
Saturday, September 11, 2010
The Other Side of Mono Lake...
One of the things I found most interesting about Mono Lake is that there are seagulls there...
Two hundred miles give or take a few, from the ocean as the seagull flies, and approximately 6400 ft in altitude, and there are seagulls...
Go figure...
Thursday, September 9, 2010
A brief look at Mono Lake...
Mono Lake is north of Mammoth, about 40 miles. Most of Southern California residents are aware of the Mono Lake controversy, in regards to the diversion of the tributary springs for water supplies in Southern California, particularly, LA.
What most of us don't know, is just why it is such an important ecological site. For instance, did you know that Mono lake is approximately 2 1/2 times as salty as the ocean? There is no outlet to the ocean and is fed by melting runoff. Because of the lack of an outlet, the dissolved salts in the runoff remain in the lake and raise the water's ph.
It is also one of the oldest lakes in North America, believed to have been formed 760,000 years ago with the Long Valley Eruption.
The area surrounding the lake is geologically active, both volcanic and earthquake, though the last volcanic eruption was 350 years ago.
Looks to me like the setting for a Star Trek episode...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Convict Lake
Volcanic Activity...AND Earthquakes???!!!
Not far from the area affected by the volcanic carbon dioxide gases is another point of interest to visit...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Into Thin Air...
Now, the Hubman and I have been up here at 8000 ft altitude for a couple of months...albeit with several lower altitude breaks...but I have to say, we're still huffing and puffing...this thin air is challenging.
But I'm here to tell you...not everyone is as altitude challenged as we are...since we've been here we've seen numerous groups of people of many different ages running...yep...running!!!
The majority of the groups of runners have been young people like this young woman...about high school age...and probably on the track team somewhere, coming up here to train...
More power to them!!!
Maybe next year...
The Minarets...
During Mel's and Tim's visit, we all (3 dogs included!) made the drive up to the view point for the may recall a fabulous picture taken by Tash over at Palos Verdes Daily Photo of the same mountain range...definitely a must see when visiting Mammoth...
Sunday, September 5, 2010
On the edge...
One of the tree casualties uprooted and lying on it's side, by the edge of the water, waiting to drift into eternity.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Volcanic Activity or Was a Dog Day Afternoon...
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