
Friday, December 31, 2010

A Time to Reflect...

New Year's Eve is a time to reflect on the past year...
To look at the past year with clear vision...and while not ignoring the failures and disappointments, truly focusing on that which we are grateful for...
Remembering our accomplishments...but most importantly... remembering and focusing on our many blessings.  

Thank you all for joining me on my journey in God's country this past year. 
You are all a part of my greatest blessings!!!

Happy New Year!!!

Please visit the other participants of Skywatch Friday...


  1. And happy New Year to you. Beautiful photo.

  2. It's been quite a year for you two. Happy new year, and may you receive blessings galore.

  3. Thank you Margaret! Happy New Year!!!

    It has Petrea...that it has! I already feel like we have received blessings galore!!!

  4. What a lovely post. My friends and I have coined a motto for this year: "2011 is going to be heaven!" I'm certain that will be true for you in God's country.
