
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Our Little Corner of the World... changing...

"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies."
Author Unknown

Life is changing for TheChief and Chieftess!!!

TheChief is in the process of retiring...and my poor ol' bod
hasn't been fairing very well with the altitude. make a long story short...
I brought the kitties and Kelly down to Glendale in mid June
and have been shuttling back and forth from Mammoth to Glendale
packing this and that, and getting the Glendale house back in shape...
TheChief is retiring at the end of the year.
We put the house up for sale in June and a week to the day later,
we were signing papers accepting an offer...

Who knew it would only take a week to sell???
And, that we'd have just six weeks to get re-situated???

Mammoth Lakes Daily Photo will be going through some changes too...

I'm taking time off to get the house back in shape...
and figure out what my next step will be in the blogosphere!!!

I'll pop in to visit now and then over the next few months...
and possibly post every now and then as I'll be up and back regularly until TheChief is done...
so stay tuned...
and I'll keep you posted!!!

(I'll be back tomorrow with another great Eastern Sierra sunset)

 Click on the image below to visit other Little Corners of the World...


  1. Oh, big changes ahead! Good luck.

  2. Another turn of the page...
    You are going to be busy for a while!
    Good luck with everything Kathryn

  3. Oh my, big changes indeed Kath! Gosh I remember when Pat retired.. not easy :) all sorted now of course but it took a while! Maybe you'll have to begin a Glendale Daily Photo.. that has a nice ring to it don't you think :) Seriously though, take care, try not to stress and will see you when I see you xx

    1. It will be an adjustment for both of us Grace! I've got some thoughts about the next blog incarnation!

  4. Wow! Big changes! We were up near June Lake (between June Lake and Silver Lake) and I think I got altitude sickness! Headache, nausea, fatigue...I didn't eat any dinner that night, slept it off, and was fine the next morning. We were only at 7,000 feet, but we LIVE here at 200 feet, so that is quite an adjustment! We generally find that our bodies are more comfortable in the mountains, so I was quite surprised.
    Cheryl Ann ~~Good luck with your new house! Can't wait until you blog again, but understand how busy you will be!

    1. Yep...that's altitude sickness! My body can't get past the fatigue...

  5. Glendale? Next to Los Angeles? Wow...that IS a big change!

    1. Yep...that's where we lived before we moved to the mountains!

  6. Good luck with the move around hope it goes well for you. Will miss the blog while your gone

  7. You don't waste anytime, girl. When things calm down, we'll go out and celebrate.

  8. Thanks Felocia! But unfortunately we 'll be about 300 miles from these beautiful will be a different!

  9. A new chapter, how exciting! That's quite a hike to your 'new' home!!

  10. It's definitely another chapter in our lives Woody!!!

  11. good luck with everything, I hope it goes ok and that you will be back blogging soon

  12. Just spotted this. Blast! Mammoth Lakes is on our travel list of places we would love to see. Wouldn't be the same without you being there :). Have certainly enjoyed your photos and know you will come up with a new plan. In the meantime, take care!

  13. I caught the news via FB. So will the Chief be sleeping at the station till years end?

  14. What??? Darn! And just when I thought I'd see you again when I visit Viv! Well, whenever I pass through Glendale...
